Tensegrity Robotics
What is Tensegrity?
Tensegrity refers to the design concept where the integrity of a system is realized through suspension of discontinuous compression elements in a continuous sea of tension. Remarkably, tensegrity is pervasive from a cosmic to atomic scale. The universe is a system comprising of discontinuous compressive elements (cosmic spheres) that maintains its structural integrity due to principles of tension that we identify as the gravitational forces. Tensegrity concept can also be seen to form the architectural basis of atoms, cellular mechanotransduction and even the human musculo-skeletal system (joints, spine). For example, the compressive bones are suspended within a sea of tensile ligaments and muscles, and the loss of tensile stress leads to problems like osteoarthritis, where the bones scratch against one another.
Tensegrity refers to the design concept where the integrity of a system is realized through suspension of discontinuous compression elements in a continuous sea of tension. Remarkably, tensegrity is pervasive from a cosmic to atomic scale. The universe is a system comprising of discontinuous compressive elements (cosmic spheres) that maintains its structural integrity due to principles of tension that we identify as the gravitational forces. Tensegrity concept can also be seen to form the architectural basis of atoms, cellular mechanotransduction and even the human musculo-skeletal system (joints, spine). For example, the compressive bones are suspended within a sea of tensile ligaments and muscles, and the loss of tensile stress leads to problems like osteoarthritis, where the bones scratch against one another.
Fabrication of Tensegrity Modules
Locomotion of Tensegrity Robots
P5. C. Woods, and V. Vikas . "Design and Modeling Framework for DexTeR: Dexterous Continuum Tensegrity Manipulator." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. June 2023; 15(3): 031006. [Article Link, Youtube Video].
P4. T. Rhodes, C. Gotberg and V. Vikas, "Compact Shape Morphing Tensegrity Robots Capable of Locomotion", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Oct 2019. [DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2019.00111]
P3. T. Rhodes, M. Tanouye and V. Vikas, "Nonlinear behavior of planar compliant tensegrity mechanism with variable free-lengths", IFToMM Asian Mechanism and Machine Science, Dec 2018 [Publication Link]
P2. T. Rhodes and V. Vikas, "Planar Shape Changing Compliant Tensegrity Mechanisms with Multi-Stable Equilibria", IROS 2018 Workshop on Shape Changing Robotic Structures and Interfaces, Oct 2018 [POSTER].
P1. M. Tanouye and V. Vikas, “Static and stability analysis of a planar tensegrity mechanism”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Aug 2018 [Publication Link].